Wages & Cost of Living

Miners wages constantly fluctuated depending on the price of coal.  The following table gives reported for average wages and some costs of living.

This table is under construction and will be updated regularly

 Year  Miners Wages (per day, unless stated otherwise) Cost of living
1679  7-8 shillings Scots a week (Equivalent 1 English shilling) – Kincardine colliery, Fife [1]
1761 12s. to 13s. [2]
1771 Scots Colliers – 12s. to 13s.
Colliers in Newcastle – 9s.
Labourers in Scots Collieries – 4 to 6s. [1]
1791 Bacon 3d. to 3 1/2d. per lb
7lb. peck of meal  10d
1812  20s. [1]
1822  25s. [1]
1836  5s. [1]
1841 2s. per day for woman drawer [3]
1842  2s. [1]
1862  3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. [1]
1872  Period of wage increases
4s. 6d. rising to as much as 9s. 9d. later in year [1]
1874  5s. [1]
1876  May 1876 – 3s. [1]
1887  2s. 6d. to 4s. [1]
1894  5s. 3d. to 6s. [1]
1899  5s. 3d. to 7s. [1]
1901  6s. [1]
1903 5s. 6d. [1]
1906 5s 6d. [1]
1907 7s. 6d. [1]
1912 6s. [1]
1914 Rent 2s. 6d. per week to 3s. 2d. [5]
1926 9s 4d [6]
1931 8s. [1]
1936 9s. [1]
1947 18s 8d for underground
15s. 6 1/2d for surface workers [1]


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